Salesforce Administrator

This 8-week course prepares you for the Salesforce Administrator Certification exam. Students learn about the foundation of Salesforce and the key features and functionality of the platform through a guided, instructor-led approach. Salesforce Administrator program is divided into four modules: Platform Fundamentals Salesforce Products Data Management Automation Reports, Dashboards, and Mobile This course covers: Salesforce organization setup, user management, security and access, standard and custom objects, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, activity and event management, data management, analytics, reports and dashboards, workflow and process automation, desktop and mobile administration, and AppExchange. All modules contain quizzes that test your knowledge and practical challenges to give you the opportunity to apply what you learn in the Salesforce platform. The course offers practice certification exams and a robust capstone project to complete the course. Download Course Brochure Who Should Enroll This course is designed for anyone looking to build a career in Salesforce, as well as current Salesforce users looking to advance their skills. You do not need Salesforce experience to take the course and pass the exam.